Unique Student Identifier
From 1 January 2015, all students undertaking nationally recognised training require a USI.
A USI is a reference number made up of numbers and letters that gives students access to their USI account. An individual's USI account is linked to the National Vocational Education and Training (VET) Data Collection allowing an individual to see all of their training results from all providers including all completed training units and qualifications.
To create your USI go to the USI website at www.usi.gov.au and follow the steps below:
- View the Student Video
- Click on the Create a USI Panel and follow the directions
- Record your USI number on the Enrolment Application form
- If your Enrolment Application has already been submitted, advise Strategic of your USI number
- Store your USI number in a secure place
Where you prefer Strategic Corporate Training to create a USI on your behalf, you must complete and submit a USI Authorisation form with your Enrolment Application form.
Proof of identity will need to be provided via a current drivers’ licence number, Medicare card number or other official document, in order for the USI number to be issued.
Under the Student Identifiers Act 2014, a training organisation cannot issue a Statement of Attainment or a Qualification unless the student has been assigned a USI for training program completions.
USI Transcripts
A USI Transcript gives individuals access to training records reported to the national VET collections. The transcript shows information on nationally recognised training completed by the individual since 2015.
USI transcript information depends on the timing of RTO reporting and therefore qualifications will not appear immediately upon completion. A national training record will normally be updated at least once a year but may be updated more frequently where training is government subsidised. This means training completed by an individual this year may not be reported until next year.
Some helpful resources for students are available on the USI website which explain what they can expect to see on their USI Transcript. These include:
The student webpage on ‘Transcript/Training Records’, which includes a link to an example of a USI Transcript and a selection of FAQs
The ‘Your USI Transcript’ fact sheet
‘When will my training appear on my USI Transcript?’ fact sheet